30 YEARS Conference +
Ceremony for the Maria de Sousa Award 2024

Aula Magna da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa
October 9, 5 pm
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BIAL Foundation

For 30 years awarding and supporting those who seek to advance in science
and knowledge in Portugal and around the world.
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Dream and daydream: differences and similarities

Did you know that daydreams reflect events from the previous two days and “night” dreams resemble a fictional plot?

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Does your dog have social skills?

A study suggests that viewing the owner’s face works as a positive social reinforcement for dogs. Learn more about this and other surprising results about “man’s best friend”.

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Research project supported by the BIAL Foundation published in Neuroimage

Sjoerd Ebisch published in the scope of project 195/16 - The sense of self: A neuroimaging study of interactions between intrinsic and extrinsic self networks, supported by the BIAL Foundation, the paper I am me: Brain systems integrate and segregate to establish a multidimensional sense of self in the journal NeuroImage.

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Research project supported by the BIAL Foundation published in Neuroimage (2)

In the scope of the research project 304/14 - The impact of music training on reading and mathematical abilities of normal and reading disabled children: a behavioral and neuroimaging longitudinal study supported by the BIAL Foundation, the research team has published the paper Resting-state connectivity reveals a role for sensorimotor systems in vocal emotional processing in children in the journal NeuroImage.

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Research project supported by the BIAL Foundation features in the Journal Neurobiology of Aging

The article Age-related changes in cortical connectivity influence the neuromodulatory effects of transcranial electrical stimulation has been published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging in the scope of the research project 277/14 - Cortical excitability and connectivity in the lifespan: a neurophysiological study supported by the BIAL Foundation.

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