30 YEARS Conference +
Ceremony for the Maria de Sousa Award 2024

Aula Magna da Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa
October 9, 5 pm
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Dream and daydream: differences and similarities

Did you know that daydreams reflect events from the previous two days and “night” dreams resemble a fictional plot?

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Does your dog have social skills?

A study suggests that viewing the owner’s face works as a positive social reinforcement for dogs. Learn more about this and other surprising results about “man’s best friend”.

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Luís Portela awarded with the Scientific Merit Medal

Luís Portela, Chairman of the BIAL Foundation, was awarded today with the Scientific Merit Medal, by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. The Medal was presented during the event “What if? Science and Scientific Culture in the future of Europe”, which took place at the Biodiversity Gallery – Centro Ciência Viva, in Porto. In addition to Luís Portela, Artur Santos Silva and Manuel Sobrinho Simões were also awarded today the Scientific Merit Medal. The Scientific Merit Medal is intended to reward national or foreign individuals who, due to their high professional qualities, have been distinguished for their valuable and exceptional contribution to the development of science or scientific culture in Portugal.

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Maria de Sousa Award increases total amount to 125 thousand euros and has now five winners

The Portuguese Medical Association and the BIAL Foundation decided to increase the number of awarded researchers and the global amount of the Maria de Sousa Award, which will take effect in the present and future editions. The Award, launched in honour of the immunologist Maria de Sousa, will have a global amount of up to 125 thousand euros and will distinguish five winners. This amendment is effective immediately, which means that the first edition, closed on May 30, will award five instead of just one researcher, as initially planned. The global amount of the Award thus rises from up to 25 thousand euros to up to 125 thousand euros, to be distributed among the five winners. Luís Portela, president of the BIAL Foundation, explains that “this amendment follows on from the successful launch of the first edition of the Award, which is evident in the high number of applications received (84). We will continue to honour, now in an enhanced way, the memory of Maria de Sousa, the only purpose that led us, the Portuguese Medical Association and the BIAL Foundation, to establish this Award”. Miguel Guimarães, president of the Portuguese Medical Association, points out that “the Maria de Sousa Award is being a huge success, either because of the interest it aroused in researchers, or due to the quality of the applications presented, information that we received from the Jury. This is the best way we have to enhance Maria de Sousa's scientific legacy and give it continuity”. The Award will reward and support five young Portuguese scientific researchers, up to the age of 35, with research projects in ​​Health Sciences, including an internship in an international centre of excellence.

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FREE online paranormal education day

The Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) and the Parapsychological Association (PA) have joined together to sponsor an online convention that will emphasize the connections between all of us – seen and unseen. Spread out over 10 days, from July 23 through July 31, this conference will include presentations on many topics related to the fields of parapsychology, consciousness studies, and edge science. On July 17th, the conference coordinators will present a FREE Education Day and provide an overview of a number of topics including: ESP, Mediumship, Healing, PK, among others.

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