Bestseller of Luís Portela in audiobook

Bestseller of Luís Portela in audiobook

The bestseller “Ser Espiritual - Da Evidência à Ciência”, by the Chairman of the BIAL Foundation, Luís Portela, is now available in audiobook (Portuguese version only).

In this talking book, with narration by the author, Luís Portela crosses traditional knowledge with the results of recent scientific research and suggests a prior depriving of concepts and prejudices so that the reader can see the Universe from his spiritual self of a harmonious, consistent and useful form for future life.

For 236 minutes, Luís Portela seeks to refocus the human being on their core, presenting a different perspective from the knowledge accepted by the current culture.

Launched in 2013, the book “Ser Espiritual - From Evidência à Ciência” has already 31 printed editions, an e-book and now the audiobook available in the Gradiva publisher's catalogue.

Luís Portela has published ten books, of which are available in bookstores Serenamente, O Prazer de Ser, Ser Espiritual, Da Ciência ao Amor and the most recent The Science of Spirit - Parapsychology, Enlightenment and Evolution, published in the U.S.A. by Toplight/McFarland.